Sometimes you find yourself with a bit too much angle near the end rail, and you want to bring the cue ball more up the center then to the side rail. You execute this shot with a natural rolling shot at a slow speed with 30 degrees of inside english.
Note the tighter angle as the cue ball comes off the end rail. 30 degrees of inside english will look like the following:
With 45 degrees for the shot, and another 30 degrees of inside english, the shot has a total of 75 degrees.
If we refer to our rolling shot chart, and search on the right side for slow speed at 75 degrees, we see that aim must be adjusted by 80% of maximum throw to ensure the ball pots correctly.
The light blue ball is an imaginary ball (‘AIM ball’) for determining the amount of throw. The front edge of the AIM ball is 10 inches from the back edge of the object ball. In this instance, we need to adjust the aim of the shot by moving along the radius of the AIM ball 80% of the way from the center to the right edge. Then line up this point to the center of the object ball and this is the new aim line.
Once looking down this new line of aim, find the spot on the cushion as shown by the red dot. This is the point of aim that will allow for throw for this given shot.
Aim for the red dot and be sure to shoot a slow, rolling shot with about half tip inside english.