- Alain Martel incredible rail-jump-billiard safety escape
- Albin Ouschan
- Alex Kazakis thin cut 4-rail position play with reverse off the final cushion
- Alex Pagulayan
- Alex Higgins two-rail kick carom into the 9 in Mosconi Cup
- Allison Fisher
- Aloysius Yapp
- Bernie Regalario long 3-rail kick shot
- Can Salim incredible draw position shot
- Carlo Biado
- impressive shot sequence (2-rail shape, bending kick, bank)
- full table-length elevated power draw
- reverse spin across the table for shape
- Z-shot
- Chang Yu-Lung
- Chao Fong-Pang vs. Francisco Bustamante shot sequence from 2001 International Challenge of Champions, final, sudden death tiebreaker rck (long kick with sidespin, kick bank, long kick, and long jump … all in one game)
- Chris Melling
- magical 8-ball sequence (with carom kick combo, massé shot, and four-rail bank)
- amazing 8-ball sequence (kiss, elevated, long cut, straight back bank, straight back bank, long cut)
- impressive 8-ball sequence (tight position, break-out, two thin cuts)
- impressive Heyball consecutive kicks
- cut-carom for position
- full-table draw off end cushion for shape
- long kick pot
- jump carom
- 3-rail kick through traffic on short shot clock
- 3-rail kick, rail-first safety sequence
- Corey Deuel
- highlight reel shot collection
- after-collision massé shot
- bank with kiss clearance
- fancy power draw across the table twice (with analysis and options from Dr. Dave)
- full table-length power draw from the head cushion and across the table
- great 8-ball run-out (bank, z-bank, combo, kiss)
- jump draw for up-table position
- jump shot with CB dance on top of the rail
- kick-kick-frozen-bank sequence
- long, thin back-cut kiss shot
- massé shot (delicate)
- David Alcaide
- Dennis Ocollo 9-on-the-spot 10-pack against Shane VanBoening
- Earl Strickland
- draw with spin into 3-rail shape
- full table-length (along diagonal) power draw
- kicking the 8 in for the win
- long jump draw
- long, elevated, stun through break out shot
- two-rail kick combo for the win
- best shots collection (1980’s – 2020)
- “5 best shots” collection
- collection of stroke shots and trick shots
- Efren “Bata” “The Magician” Reyes
- top 10 most famous shots
- greatest shot ever – Z-Shot against Earl (and another Z-shot, and another Z-Shot)
- 8-ball-on-the-break dance
- end-of-match-drama shot sequence against Jimmy White (great safety, long kick combo, 3 balls on break, great safety, long bank)
- bank carom on the 8
- follow hook shot for position
- four-rail kick shot
- inside follow to avoid scratch in side
- jump-draw shot against Archer
- long draw carom shot
- long three-rail kick in
- kick-and-stick carom shot
- kiss shots in natural-angle direction (2 in a row)
- kick bank safety escape against Steve Davis
- kick shot off side pocket point after two-way jump-bank miss
- kick-three-rail-bank-combo to pocket the 9
- long draw into cluster for position
- long kick bank against Schmidt
- long, thin, carom, two-rail safety
- one-pocket two-rail bank off pocket point
- one-pocket two-rail kick bank
- OB-jump-kiss-kick-kiss-kick for the cheese
- OB jump over obstacle balls
- rail-first for perfect 5-rail shape
- Rotation mastery
- straight-pool bank-break shot
- straight-pool after-collision massé shot
- tactical 8-ball game against Busty (part 1, part 2)
- thin-cut bank and 5-rail kick
- three-rail bank into side pocket selected by the crowd as the last pocket
- three-rail bending kick safety reply against Potier
- three-rail kick shot against Alcano
- three-rail kick with jump off the cushion over obstacle balls trick shot
- three-times-up-and-down straight-back bank
- two-rail kick at pocket hanger with a carom for the win
- two-rail kick behind a ball to send it cross side
- two-rail kick with carom off three rails against Shane VanBoening
- two-rail kick safe (and another)
- two-rail kick thin cut two-way shot
- two-rail kick to cut in the 8
- two-rail kick back cut with bag on shoulder and paper wrapper in hand
- two-rail kick to pocket the tough 6 against Archer
- two-rail kick for shape up table with spin
- see also: best shots collection (and another from 1988-2019), and Legend Efren Reyes channel
- see also: Efren’s Best Shots collection, “Super Filipino” collection
- Eklent Kaci
- Evgeny Buslaev kick off side pocket facing and across the table for the win
- Fedor Gorst
- female pro shots (see also: Allison Fisher)
- Francisco Bustamante
- Francisco Sanchez Ruiz
- Hamookis (Saudi player) 7 balls made on a 9-ball break
- Han Yu lock-up safety against Shane Van Boening in World Pool Masters
- Isao Yuyama power draw and follow shots
- James Aranas
- amazing shot sequence (kick off point, long tough jump, combo)
- Jayson Shaw
- amazing 9-ball runout (jump, jump, long cut, break out, long jacked-up shot, 4 rails into the line, good draw for position)
- jump-draw-carom for the win
- long power draw for pinpoint short-side shape
- long jump-kick-cut
- long jump onto ball with draw for shape
- long three-rail kick
- massé kick
- power draw for pinpoint shape
- two-way bank carom for the win
- Jeffrey Ignacio
- Jeffrey de Luna
- Jesus Atencio
- double jump shot (and another from a much younger Jesus)
- long two-way kiss shot with shape
- Jimmy White
- Johann Chua
- Jose Parica two-way bank, kick-combo-kiss for the match victory
- Joshua Filler
- luckiest 3 shots in a row in history (or is it a fake?)
- Justin Bergman
- Ko Pin Yi
- Konrad Juszczyszyn long draw shot
- Larry Nevel
- Lee Vann Corteza
- amazing 10-ball runout shot sequence (bank, kiss break-out, combo, bank, kick, long thin cut)
- thin-cut 3-rail shape across the table with inside/reverse
- Luong Dung vs. Vilmos Foldes 3-foul rule strategic battle
- Marco Teutscher long jump-kick pot
- Marc Bijsterbosch long 2-rail kick and two-way tough cut-carom
- Masato Yoshioka
- Max Lechner power bank with sidespin draw for shape
- Mieszoko Fortunski massé safety
- Mike Dechaine hop over obstacle balls for break out (and a more-impressive version)
- Mitch Ellerman
- Monica Webb nice sequence (jump, jump, combo, thin cut with spin)
- Nick van den Berg jump with tall bridge
- Nick Varner
- amazing sequence (thin-cut break-out carom, two-rail kick bank, long one-rail kick, and finesse runout)
- great safety sequence with Efren Reyes
- Peg Leg Willie one-pocket examples
- Phil Reilly vs. Francisco Bustamante 9-Ball “game of mishaps” at 2003 World Championship
- Preacher Ron amazing one-pocket escape
- Robbie Capito
- Sanjin Pehlivanović long two-rail kick thin cut
- Shane VanBoening (SVB)
- 5 balls on 10-ball break
- 6 balls made on 8-ball break
- 8-pack of 8-ball B&Rs
- bank with 2-rail shape
- carom kick attempt to pocket the 9
- carom with bank break-out
- combo sequence in Mosconi Cup
- draw off 3 rails with sidespin for short side shape
- full table-length power draw
- jump into two-rail combination against Alex Pagulayan
- kick-follow-carom
- kick-carom with the bridge for the win
- kick-jump-carom for the win
- kiss-combo pair
- long power draw off hanger (and another)
- stacked-bridge jump shot
- two-rail kick carom shot
- two-rail kick to pocket a long shot
- two-way shot 2-9 combo to win a Mosconi Cup Match
- Z-shot kick (and another)
- Shane Wolford jump onto top of frozen combo
- Skyler Woodward
- three-foul rule examples
- Tony Chohan
- Tyler Styer
- Wu Chia Qing
- Yang Ching Shun 7-pack against Alex Pagulayan (with 9 going or almost going on break or early every game)
See Also:
- “Most Famous Pool Shots and Matches of All Time” YouTube Playlist
- great pool matches
- BU Exam III – Advanced Shots – Examples of Pros Using These Shots in Real Game Situations
- genipool14 YouTube Top Shot collections
- large collection of advanced shots by fergyspoolshots
- sampling of advanced shots by Mike Massey
- collection of great one-pocket shots
- collection of pool shots with Japanese commentary, with some good safety battles (part 1, part 2, part 3, part 4, part 5, part 6)
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