The following video provides an excellent introduction to sidespin and how and why it is used:
English refers to sidespin imparted to the CB by hitting the CB off center. Here are the different names used to refer to the type of spin:

The purpose for sidespin is to alter the path the CB takes when it hits the rail cushions:

Here’s an example showing how sidespin doesn’t change the CB path off the OB:
Sidespin (english) is also given different names based on how it is used:

Here are some good resources and demonstrations to help you understand how sidespin is used:
- Sidespin examples
- Sidespin quick-reference sheet
- Sidespin drills
- NV 4.10 – Effect of left english
- NV 4.11 – Effect of right english
- NV 4.25 – Positioning the cue ball at all spots on the table from an easy side-pocket shot
- NV B.73 – Leaving an angle and coming into the line of a shot, from VEPS II
- NV B.74 – Center-of-table position and routes, with the 45° rule, from VEPS II
- NV G.4 – How to Use Cue Ball Drag to Enhance Sidespin in 8-ball, from Vol. II of VEEB
- NV G.5 – How to Use Spin-Induced Throw (SIT) to Hold the Cue Ball in 8-ball, from Vol. II of VEEB
- NV I.6 – Common Two-Rail Position Plays in 9-ball and 10-ball, an excerpt from VENT-III
- NV I.7 – Common End-Game Patterns in 9-ball and 10-ball, an excerpt from VENT-III
The following video shows some examples of when sidespin should and should not be used:
To use sidespin effectively, you need to be aware of the effects of squirt, swerve, and throw illustrated here:

Information about how to adjust your aim to compensate for all of the effects can be found here:
aim compensation for squirt, swerve, and throw
The following videos cover the basics of how to adjust your aim when using sidespin:
The aiming systems used in these videos are covered in great detail in the System for Aiming With Sidespin (SAWS).
Other good resources that cover how and when to use sidespin effectively and strategically include: Vol. I of How to Aim Pool Shots (HAPS), Vol. II of The Video Encyclopedia of Pool Shots (VEPS), and Vol. III of the Video Encyclopedia of Nine-ball and Ten-ball (VENT). See also: sidespin resource page.
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