Super slow motion clips supporting The Illustrated Principles of Pool and Billiards.
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Chapter 2 – Fundamentals
Chapter 3 – Executing Basic Shots
- HSV 3.1 – Stop-shot showing loss of bottom spin over distance
- HSV 3.2 – Stop-shot to prevent a scratch
- HSV 3.3 – Side-pocket miss due to near point deflection
- HSV 3.4 – Side-pocket miss off far pocket wall
- HSV 3.5 – Side-pocket near miss due to wall rattle
- HSV 3.6 – Side-pocket rattle out
- HSV 3.7 – Corner pocket, in off near point
- HSV 3.8 – Corner-pocket miss due to near rail deflection
Chapter 4 – Spin and English
- HSV 4.1 – Draw shot
- HSV 4.2 – Following an obstacle ball into a pocket
- HSV 4.3 – Rail dribble follow shot
- HSV 4.4 – Deflection (squirt) due to high-speed sidespin
- HSV 4.5 – Deflection (squirt) due to high-speed sidespin (close-up)
- HSV 4.6 – Object-ball throw at slow speed
- HSV 4.7 – Object-ball throw at fast speed
- HSV 4.8 – Cut-shot throw at fast speed
- HSV 4.9 – Cut-shot throw at slow speed
- HSV 4.10 – Rail cut-shot with running english
- HSV 4.11 – Rail cut-shot with running english, hitting the rail very early
- HSV 4.12 – Rail cut-shot with running english, hitting the rail early
- HSV 4.13 – Rail cut-shot with running english, hitting the rail late and/or too hard
- HSV 4.14 – Rail cut-shot with reverse english, with kiss away from the rail
- HSV 4.15 – Rail cut-shot slightly away from the rail exaggerating the effect of Figure 4.34
- HSV 4.16 – Rail cut-shot slightly away from the rail exaggerating the desired effects of Figure 4.30
Chapter 6 – Bank and Kick Shots
- HSV 6.1 – Cushion deformation during high-speed bank
- HSV 6.2 – Cue ball kicked off a rail at an angle with topspin
- HSV 6.3 – Cue ball kicked off a rail at an angle with bottom spin
- HSV 6.4 – Cue ball kicked off a rail at an angle with normal roll
- HSV 6.5 – Cue ball kicked off a rail at an angle with stun
- HSV 6.6 – Cue ball kicked off a rail with fast speed and reverse english
- HSV 6.7 – Cue ball kicked off a rail with fast speed and natural english
- HSV 6.8 – Cue ball kicked off a rail with slow speed and reverse english
- HSV 6.9 – Cue ball kicked off a rail with slow speed and natural english
- HSV 6.10 – Cue ball kicked straight into a rail with sidespin
- HSV 6.11 – Cue ball kicked off a rail with reverse english
- HSV 6.12 – Cue ball kicked off a rail with natural english
- HSV 6.13 – Ball banked fast into the rail with cut-angle and english
- HSV 6.14 – Ball banked slowly into the rail with cut-angle and english
Chapter 7 – Advanced Techniques (Shot Making)
- HSV 7.1 – Throw of a frozen object-ball at slow speed
- HSV 7.2 – Throw of a frozen object-ball at slow speed, with english
- HSV 7.3 – Throw of a frozen object-ball at fast speed
- HSV 7.4 – Throw of a frozen object-ball at fast speed, with english
- HSV 7.5 – Frozen cue-ball throw
- HSV 7.6 – 8-ball break with a square, center hit
- HSV 7.7 – 9-ball break with a square, oblique hit
- HSV 7.8 – Making the 8-ball on the break in the near side-pocket
- HSV 7.9 – Making the 8-ball on the break in the near corner-pocket
- HSV 7.10 – Making the 8-ball on the break in the far side-pocket (with deflection assist)
- HSV 7.11 – Making the 8-ball on the break in the far side-pocket
- HSV 7.12 – Ball frozen to a rail banked with a double-kiss near-miss
- HSV 7.13 – Cue ball kicked off the rail with top spin
- HSV 7.14 – Cue ball kicked off the rail with top spin (side view)
- HSV 7.15 – Cue ball kicked off the rail with roll
- HSV 7.16 – Cue ball kicked off the rail with roll (side view)
- HSV 7.17 – Cue ball kicked off the rail with stun
- HSV 7.18 – Cue ball kicked off the rail with stun (side view)
- HSV 7.19 – Cue ball kicked off the rail with bottom spin
- HSV 7.20 – Cue ball kicked off the rail with bottom spin (side view)
- HSV 7.21 – Slight massé curve around a ball
- HSV 7.22 – Massé curve around a ball adjacent to a rail
- HSV 7.23 – Jump shot (slight bottom spin)
- HSV 7.24 – Jump shot (slight top spin)
- HSV 7.25 – Jump shot (tip slip and stun)
Additional clips not referenced in the book:
- HSV A.1 – Illegal jump shots – scooping under the cue ball (close-up)
- HSV A.2 – Legal jump shots – hitting down on the cue ball (close-up)
- HSV A.3 – 9-ball power break with follow (close-up side view)
- HSV A.4 – 9-ball power break with draw (close-up side view)
- HSV A.5 – Cue deflection during a hard shot with english
- HSV A.6 – Wooden cue deflection due to a firm stroke with english
- HSV A.7 – Composite cue deflection due to a firm stroke with english
- HSV A.8 – Outside english cut shot
- HSV A.9 – Double hit near miss
- HSV A.10 – Slight double hit
- HSV A.11 – Non double hit with follow
- HSV A.12 – Double hit
- HSV A.13 – Cue-tip reaction for a very large offset, slow speed, double-hit miscue shot
- HSV A.14 – Cue-tip reaction for a very large offset, medium speed, double-hit miscue shot
- HSV A.15 – Cue-tip reaction for a very large offset, fast speed, single-hit miscue shot
- HSV A.16 – Cue-tip reaction for a very large offset, very fast speed, non-miscue shot
- HSV A.17 – Cue-tip reaction for a large offset, medium-slow speed, near double-hit miscue shot
- HSV A.18 – Cue-tip reaction for a large offset, medium-fast speed, non-miscue shot
- HSV A.19 – Cue-tip reaction for a large offset, medium-fast speed, near-miscue shot
- HSV A.20 – Cue-tip reaction for a medium offset, very fast speed, non-miscue shot
- HSV A.21 – Hard follow shots with a small cut angle, close to a rail
- HSV A.22 – Power break with slightly elevated cue resulting in airborne cue ball
- HSV A.23 – “The Hustler” frozen bank shot
- HSV A.24 – “The Hustler” draw-massé shot
- HSV A.25 – Cue flex and vibration due to firm stroke with english
- HSV A.26 – Kick shot perpendicular to the rail with english
- HSV A.27 – Kick shot with small approach angle and reverse english
- HSV A.28 – Kick shot with small approach angle and running english
- HSV A.29 – Kick shot with medium approach angle and reverse english
- HSV A.30 – Kick shot with medium approach angle and running english
- HSV A.31 – Kick shot with medium approach angle and stun
- HSV A.32 – Kick shot with medium approach angle and draw
- HSV A.33 – Kick shot with medium approach angle and follow
- HSV A.34 – Hand grip during a firm stroke with impact at the bottom of the pendulum swing
- HSV A.35 – Draw shot with small offset, light grip, good follow-through, slow speed, and about 1.75 feet of draw
- HSV A.36 – Draw shot with large offset, light grip, good follow-through, slow speed, and about 2.25 feet of draw
- HSV A.37 – Draw shot with small offset, light grip, good follow-through, fast speed, and about 4 feet of draw
- HSV A.38 – Draw shot with large offset, light grip, good follow-through, fast speed, and about 7 feet of draw
- HSV A.39 – Draw shot with small offset, firm grip, punch stroke, slow speed, and about 1.5 feet of draw
- HSV A.40 – Draw shot with large offset, firm grip, punch stroke, slow speed, and about 2.5 feet of draw
- HSV A.41 – Draw shot with small offset, firm grip, punch stroke, fast speed, and about 0.5 feet of draw
- HSV A.42 – Draw shot with medium offset, firm grip, punch stroke, fast speed, and about 5.0 feet of draw
- HSV A.43 – Draw shot with large offset, light grip, good follow-through, slow speed, and a miscue
- HSV A.44 – Draw shot with large offset, light grip, good follow-through, fast speed, and a miscue
- HSV A.45 – Draw shot with large offset, firm grip, punch stroke, slow speed, and a miscue
- HSV A.46 – Follow shot with medium offset, light grip, good follow-through, and slow speed
- HSV A.47 – Follow shot with medium offset, light grip, good follow-through, and fast speed
- HSV A.48 – Follow shot with large offset, light grip, good follow-through, and slow speed
- HSV A.49 – Follow shot with large offset, light grip, good follow-through, and fast speed
- HSV A.50 – Follow shot with medium offset, firm grip, punch stroke, and slow speed
- HSV A.51 – Follow shot with medium offset, firm grip, punch stroke, and fast speed
- HSV A.52 – Follow shot with large offset, firm grip, punch stroke, and slow speed
- HSV A.53 – Follow shot with large offset, firm grip, punch stroke, and fast speed
- HSV A.54 – Follow shot with large offset, light grip, good follow-through, fast speed, and miscue
- HSV A.55 – Center ball hit with light grip, good follow-through, and slow speed
- HSV A.56 – Center ball hit with light grip, good follow-through, and fast speed
- HSV A.57 – Center ball hit with firm grip, punch stroke, and slow speed
- HSV A.58 – Center ball hit with firm grip, punch stroke, and fast speed
- HSV A.59 – Power break with good follow-through
- HSV A.60 – Massé draw shot with firm follow-through and good action
- HSV A.61 – Massé draw shot with firm follow-through and miscue
- HSV A.62 – Cut shot with outside english and slow speed
- HSV A.63 – Cut shot with inside english and slow speed
- HSV A.64 – Cut shot with outside english and fast speed
- HSV A.65 – Cut shot with inside english and fast speed
- HSV A.66 – Straight-on shot with english and slow speed
- HSV A.67 – Straight-on shot with english and fast speed
- HSV A.68 – Kick shot with large approach angle, running english, and slow speed
- HSV A.69 – Kick shot with large approach angle, running english, and fast speed
- HSV A.70 – Kick shot with large approach angle, reverse english, and slow speed
- HSV A.71 – Kick shot with large approach angle, reverse english, and fast speed
- HSV A.72 – Kick shot with large approach angle, draw, and slow speed
- HSV A.73 – Kick shot with large approach angle, draw, and fast speed
- HSV A.74 – Kick shot with large approach angle, follow, and slow speed
- HSV A.75 – Kick shot with large approach angle, follow, and fast speed
- HSV A.76 – Austrian high-speed and infrared video clips
- HSV A.76a – Close-up of tip during off-center hit
- HSV A.77 – Close-up of cue tip impact for a center-ball hit with a soft tip at slow, medium, and fast speeds
- HSV A.78 – Close-up of cue tip impact for a center-ball hit with a medium hardness tip at slow, medium, and fast speeds
- HSV A.79 – Close-up of cue tip impact for a center-ball hit with a hard tip at slow, medium, and fast speeds
- HSV A.80 – Close-up of cue tip impact for a center-ball hit with a super hard tip at slow, medium, and fast speeds
- HSV A.81 – Close-up of cue tip impact for a power break with various hardness tips
- HSV A.82 – Throw and spin transfer for a small offset and slow, medium, and fast speeds
- HSV A.83 – Throw and spin transfer for a medium offset and slow, medium, and fast speeds
- HSV A.84 – Throw and spin transfer for a large offset and slow, medium, and fast speeds
- HSV A.85 – Spin transfer from the cue ball to two frozen object balls, with a small offset and slow, medium, and fast speeds
- HSV A.86 – Spin transfer from the cue ball to two frozen object balls, with a medium offset and slow, medium, and fast speeds
- HSV A.87 – Spin transfer from the cue ball to two frozen object balls, with a large offset and slow, medium, and fast speeds
- HSV A.88 – Two frozen object balls hit with a 15° approach angle stop shot at slow and fast speeds
- HSV A.89 – Two frozen object balls hit with a 45° approach angle stop shot at slow and fast speeds
- HSV A.90 – Two frozen object balls hit squarely with a 0° approach angle draw shot at slow and fast speeds
- HSV A.91 – Two frozen object balls hit squarely with a 0° approach angle follow shot at slow and fast speeds
- HSV A.92 – Two frozen object balls hit squarely with a 15° approach angle draw shot at slow and fast speeds
- HSV A.93 – Two frozen object balls hit squarely with a 15° approach angle follow shot at slow and fast speeds
- HSV A.94 – Two frozen object balls hit squarely with a 45° approach angle draw shot at slow and fast speeds
- HSV A.95 – Two frozen object balls hit squarely with a 45° approach angle follow shot at slow and fast speeds
- HSV A.96 – Straight-on frozen cue ball shots with various amounts of english
- HSV A.97 – Frozen cue ball shots with various approach angles
- HSV A.98 – English and squirt for a soft tip at slow speed and increasing offsets
- HSV A.99 – English and squirt for a soft tip at fast speed and increasing offsets
- HSV A.100 – English and squirt for a medium hardness tip at slow speed and increasing offsets
- HSV A.101 – English and squirt for a medium hardness tip at fast speed and increasing offsets
- HSV A.102 – English and squirt for a hard tip at slow speed and increasing offsets
- HSV A.103 – English and squirt for a hard tip at fast speed and increasing offsets
- HSV A.104 – English and squirt for a super hard tip at slow speed and increasing offsets
- HSV A.105 – English and squirt for a super hard tip at fast speed and increasing offsets
- HSV A.106 – English and squirt for a Predator 314 shaft at slow speed and increasing offsets
- HSV A.107 – English and squirt for a Predator 314 shaft at fast speed and increasing offsets
- HSV A.108 – English and squirt for a Predator Z shaft at slow speed and increasing offsets
- HSV A.109 – English and squirt for a Predator Z shaft at fast speed and increasing offsets
- HSV A.110 – Double hit check with a small gap between the CB and OB, level cue, and slow, medium, and fast speeds
- HSV A.111 – Double hit check with a small gap between the CB and OB, slightly elevated cue, and slow, medium, and fast speeds
- HSV A.112 – Double hit check with a small gap between the CB and OB, elevated cue, and slow, medium, and fast speeds
- HSV A.113 – Double hit check (side view) with a small gap between the CB and OB, level cue, and slow and fast speeds
- HSV A.114 – Double hit check (side view) with a small gap between the CB and OB, slightly elevated cue, and slow and fast speeds
- HSV A.115 – Double hit check (side view) with a small gap between the CB and OB, elevated cue, and slow and fast speeds
- HSV A.116 – Double-kiss check of a rail-frozen object ball bank with follow, draw, and outside english
- HSV A.117 – Straight-on kick shot at fast speed with follow, stun, and draw
- HSV A.118 – Straight-on kick shot at slow speed with follow, stun, and draw
- HSV A.119 – Straight-on kick shot of a polished ball at fast speed with follow, stun, and draw
- HSV A.120 – Straight-on kick shot of a polished ball at slow speed with follow, stun, and draw
- HSV A.121 – Power break — shooter’s body
- HSV A.122 – Power break — cue follow-through
- HSV A.123 – Power break — cue ball reactions for draw, follow, and skip
- HSV A.124 – Follow shot skips over a stack of dimes
- HSV A.125 – Ball collision (close-up)
- HSV A.126 – Jump shots
- HSV A.127 – Massé shot
- HSV A.128 – Rail cut-shot hitting the ball first, with fast speed, slight draw, outside english
- HSV A.129 – Rail cut-shot hitting the ball first early with outside english
- HSV A.130 – Rail cut-shot hitting the ball first, with more-than-gearing outside english
- HSV A.131 – Rail cut-shot hitting the ball first, with less-than-gearing outside english
- HSV A.132 – Rail cut-shot hitting the rail first, with natural (running) english
- HSV A.133 – Rail cut-shot hitting the rail first a little early, faster, with natural (running) english
- HSV A.134 – Rail cut-shot hitting the rail first, hitting the ball while compressing, with stun and no english
- HSV A.135 – Rail cut-shot hitting the rail first, hitting the ball during rebound, fast, with slight natural (running) english
- HSV A.136 – Rail cut-shot hitting the rail first, hitting the ball at maximum compression, very fast, with slight natural (running) english
- HSV A.137 – Rail cut-shot hitting the rail first, hitting the ball while compressing, fast, with draw and natural (running) english
- HSV A.138 – Rail cut-shot hitting the rail first, hitting the ball at maximum compression, with lots of natural (running) english
- HSV A.139 – Rail cut-shot hitting the rail first, hitting the ball while compressing, with natural (running) english
- HSV A.140 – Rail cut-shot hitting the rail first (barely), hitting the ball during initial compression, with lots of natural (running) english
- HSV A.141 – Rail cut-shot hitting the rail first (barely), hitting the ball during initial compression, slower, with stun and lots of natural (running) english
- HSV A.142 – Vernon Elliott cross-side bank with chalk on the object ball to increase throw and spin transfer
- HSV A.143 – Follow shot showing limited spin transfer and “vertical throw”
- HSV A.144 – Follow shot with chalk on the object ball to increase throw and spin transfer
- HSV A.145 – Draw shot showing limited spin transfer and “vertical throw”
- HSV A.146 – Draw shot with chalk on the object ball to increase throw and spin transfer
- HSV A.147 – Close-up of tip-ball impact for a slow center-ball hit
- HSV A.148 – Cose-up of tip-ball impact for a fast center-ball hit
- HSV A.149 – Close-up of tip-ball impact for an accelerating-stroke, exaggerated follow-through, center-ball hit
- HSV A.150 – Close-up of tip-ball impact for a medium-speed draw shot
- HSV A.151 – Close-up of tip-ball impact for a medium-speed follow shot
- HSV B.1 – Draw shot cue and ball reaction
- HSV B.2 – Illegal “scoop” jump shots
- HSV B.3 – Various jump shot techniques
- HSV B.4 – Object ball jump shot
- HSV B.5 – Jump and break shot strokes and grips
- HSV B.6 – Double hit detection and avoidance
- HSV B.7 – One-pocket frozen-ball spot shot
- HSV B.8 – Jump shot off the rail
- HSV B.9 – Cue flex and vibration
- HSV B.10 – MOFUDAT stroke drill follow and draw effects
- HSV B.11 – One-pocket “beat-the-kiss” frozen rail cross-corner bank shot
- HSV B.12 – Beating a scratch by bouncing the cue ball off the rear rim of a pocket
- HSV B.13 – Level cue follow shot hop over stacks of coins
- HSV B.14 – Jump shot tip, ball, cloth, slate interaction, with and without a spare piece of cloth
- HSV B.15 – Straight-on kick shot rebound losses and spin changes for roll, stun, and draw shots
- HSV B.16 – Classic “passing lane” trick shot with Tom Ross
- HSV B.17 – Coin hop off the rail into a glass trick shot
- HSV B.18 – Spin-induced throw speed and english effects
- HSV B.19 – Highly elevated cue jump shots
- HSV B.20 – Rail cushion compression shots
- HSV B.21 – Follow-the-rail trick shot (the “banana” or “snake” shot)
- HSV B.22 – One-pocket double kiss off the rail kick shot
- HSV B.23 – Cue ball path speed, spin, and cue elevation effects
- HSV B.24 – Draw shot with elevated cue and hop over an obstacle ball
- HSV B.25 – Kick rebound-angle speed, english, and spin effects
- HSV B.26 – Overspin with a follow shot
- HSV B.27 – Billiard draw shot with post-rail-rebound curve (circular draw shot)
- HSV B.28 – Frozen-ball kiss, miscue, and push shots and fouls
- HSV B.29 – Small-gap force follow shot
- HSV B.30 – Cut-induced and spin-induced throw and spin transfer
- HSV B.31 – Classic “over-and-under-the-bridge” trick shot
- HSV B.32 – Cross-side bank shot double-kiss avoidance
- HSV B.33 – Outside spin CIT and SIT
- HSV B.34 – Bank shot double-kiss zone with balls frozen and close to the rail
- HSV B.35 – Cue and cue ball speed changes during a typical stroke
- HSV B.36 – Various miscues with double-hit rule interpretation
- HSV B.37 – Jump shot over-cut effect and examples
- HSV B.38 – Precision jump into a cluster of balls to avoid a foul
- HSV B.39 – Kiss-back shot with difficult secondary cushion contact
- HSV B.40 – Stroke speed and acceleration analysis, with Bob Jewett
- HSV B.41 – Bank speed effects, with Bob Jewett
- HSV B.42 – Tip and cue efficiency, with Bob Jewett
- HSV B.43 – Break squat
- HSV B.44 – Cloth compression and cue ball trajectory for draw shots of various elevations
- HSV B.45 – Effective mass of various ball racks and clusters
- HSV B.46 – CB and OB hop and spin transfer during follow shots
- HSV B.47 – Effect of shaft endmass and squirt on miscue limit
- HSV B.48 – “Hit quarter off ball” proposition/trick shot
- HSV B.49 – Cue ball and object ball weight/size difference effects
See Also:
- Normal-speed pool and billiards video clips
- Instructional articles
- Interesting high-speed video clips of non-billiards stuff
- Jacksonville Project and other high-speed video studies
- askalf76 Russian YouTube Channel with high-speed videos
- Snooker high-speed videos
- collection of cut shots and kicks at various angles and with different spins, showing angles and ball trajectories
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