Dr. Dave can be reached at: DrDave@DrDaveBilliards.com (other contact info)

Dr. Dave

Dr. Dave is a PBIA Master Instructor and an instructional author. He wrote the book The Illustrated Principles of Pool and Billiards and has published numerous instructional videos, including the “Video Encyclopedia” series. All of his instructional products are available for purchase at: DrDaveBilliards.com. Dr. Dave created and maintains the popular billiards resource website billiards.colostate.edu, and is Dean and co-founder of the Billiard University (BU). He was instrumental in developing the BU assessment tools, rating system, and instructional resources. Dr. Dave is also a long-time monthly instructional columnist for Billiards Digest (BD) magazine and an active participant in online billiards forums and social media. He is a devoted authority and an expert in understanding and teaching the physics of the game. Dr. Dave offers private lessons and intensive courses through Dr. Dave’s Pool School and the BU Boot Camps. He also has an active Facebook page and YouTube Channel. Here are some examples of his most-watched YouTube videos:

Here’s an interview/lesson video with Rollie Williams and a podcast video with the famous astrophysicist Neil deGrasse Tyson (see the Billiards Buzz article).

Dr. Dave is a retired mechanical engineering professor (1991-2020) from Colorado State University in Fort Collins, Colorado. He was a passionate teacher and an experienced textbook author, and he has received many awards for his contributions. His teaching and writing experience helped him develop skills for presenting and illustrating difficult concepts in concise and understandable ways. Here’s a video interview dealing with how Dr. Dave incorporated his passion for pool into the engineering classroom:

See also: “Racking Up the Physics of Pool” (university magazine article).

Here’s a good example video showing how he uses graphics and super-slow-motion clips to explain some complicated pool physics in simple terms:

Dr. Dave’s Pool Credentials

Dr. Dave has collaborated on pool projects with many instructors and players over the years including: Tom Ross, Bob Jewett, Randy Russell, Samm Diep, Jeremiah Gage, Adam Bishop, Rollie Williams, Tom Simpson, Pubo Huang, Florian “Venom” Kohler, Shane Van Boening, Mike Massey, Neil deGrasse Tyson, Demetrius Jelatis, and others.

Dr. Dave’s Service to Billiards Organizations

  • Media Representative, CSI CueSports Hall of Fame Committee, 2023-present.
  • North America Representative, WPA Rules Committee, 2023-present.
  • Member, PBIA Instructor Committee, 2020-present.
  • Editor and Main Author, PBIA Instructor Manual, 2021.
  • Member, PBIA Online Teaching Subcommittee, 2021.
  • Chair, PBIA Curriculum Subcommittee, 2020.
  • Member, Billiard Education Foundation (BEF) Board of Trustees, 2010-2015.
  • Dean, Billiard University (BU), 2012-present.

Other Things Dr. Dave has Contributed to the Pool World

Example Videos of Dr. Dave Playing Pool

and here are some others:

Here are some examples of Dr. Dave having fun and making some impressive shots in his videos:

See Also

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